Friday, June 5, 2009



Pressure of a different kind! Not the type we want to avoid ... rather, this type of pressure can be very helpful. Reflexology is treatment that has helped many people avoid resorting to drugs for sorting out medical problems. Using these pressure points to prevent problems from developing is preferred. For instance, if you have a sinus problem, it is better to use the pressure points to prevent a buildup to the point where only anti-biotics or other decongestants will help. To know how to use the pressure points is a trick worth learning. So if you do go to a reflexologist, pay attention to how they apply pressure to those points and continue on a regular basis at home. Ask for advise to continue this treatment on an on-going basis.
This is the type of alternative treatment we WANT to use as it is non-invasive and kind on the body! Enjoy ... Till later xx
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