Today is a beautiful sunny day, although it started of rather foggy. This area often has all 4 seasons in one day!
We had the privilege of welcoming our newest grandchild into the world 10 days ago. What a precious bundle of PINK! She is, of course, gorgeous : ) Her personality might still change as she grows, but at the moment, she is a patient, content baby. Very quizzy and still puzzled by these 5-fingered attachments that keep landing up on her face! So she 'bites' them ha ha. This is going to be a memorable few months, watching her develop and grow.
One of my own creations started off quite by accident; the neighbours' accident. Broken tiles. I picked up two of the tiles that they were throwing out and kept them for ages. Then after we had moved into our new place, I needed to put one of my tables outside and decided to mosaic it, using said tiles. I first broke them, wrapped up in a cloth, smashing them with a hammer .... what fun!

Then I had to break them into smaller pieces, more evenly sized, with a tile cutter. The process of sanding the edges smooth nearly cost me all my fingernails. A few more pieces and colors and voila! a piece of art.
Then I had to break them into smaller pieces, more evenly sized, with a tile cutter. The process of sanding the edges smooth nearly cost me all my fingernails. A few more pieces and colors and voila! a piece of art.
I have realized that we all have to make an effort to make something spectacular of our lives. Time is a-wasting if a day goes by, and you haven't done Something noteworthy. Go somewhere, make something, say something, help something or someone! Make your life count! Think back at the end of the week on what you have accomplished. Sometimes it takes COURAGE to do this. Remember, courage does not always roar - sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying I will try again tomorrow....