Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Here we are again! Well now, if you know where this pic was taken, you will appreciate my attachment to this space. I am not a particularly sentimental type of person, but when I look at these photos, I smile, for we spent many very pleasant years there and watched our children grow up among the trees and up and down those same terraces. Many fond memories...
We have now moved to another city, but of course still go visiting family and friends whenever we can. It's great to be able to go back to the same area and see the development over the course of a few years. The village becomes a town, and who knows, might eventually develop into a city. The tourist route ambling along pot-holed roads becomes a roaring trade route, upgraded and up-sized! Housing projects pop up along the way, almost like 'The Sims' computer game ... Life just doesn't stand still, it grows, evolves, moves on without you if you don't jump into the stream of life and swim like never before. Swim or sink ...
So what are you going be doing that is different?? Is your life just 'peachy'? What would you change if you could?
Now I am not saying that you have to be dissatisfied with your life. No. We should be happy and content with what we have been blessed with... but then we can always find something to improve, whether it be our lifestyle, relationships, personality etc etc. I hope you stay with me on this journey where we can learn many things together, from each other and from information that comes from investigation of various issues.
Maybe your issue is just "how to remove that stain from a silk shirt" or "how to calm down an irate customer". Well, as I face issues and challenges, I will share with you whatever helps me. Or maybe I will just beg you for some advice! Ha!
Maybe I will just 'write a book'... Till later then xx

Friday, December 26, 2008


Welcome to all, at the end of another year that has absolutely flown by!! Normally, at this time of the year, family and friends are visiting and enjoying each others company over a good meal or around a fire. This is also the time of reminiscing about times past and times to come. Plans are made, resolutions made and later broken. We reflect on how our year has been and look to the future.
Well, I sincerely hope you are looking forward to something good in this next year. Much doom and gloom around, recession in many a country, violence looming. Maybe this year, each of us can make a difference, helping the earth, helping our kids and working hard to improve what we can around us. One step at a time. Everything of the best to all of you over the next few weeks, keep popping in for a viz at this blog. I am going to be posting some juicy articles to tickle your brain and hopefully leave you with a smile on your face!!
Later then xx.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Recently I came across a situation that really tugged my heartstrings. What would you do if someone in your family needed medical treatment which is very costly? How does a person go about raising a large sum of money in a short period of time. There are so many generous people around, but to harness that generosity is the task at hand.
I personally know someone who needs help of that nature and have thought about how best to help. The following suggestions for fund-raising is very do-able, and gives those with generous hearts and funds to spare the opportunity to also help a fellow human being.
These events can be organized by the actual person needing the funds, or by other groups and individuals who in turn donate their proceeds to the Fund.
Here are just a few ideas:

1) Basket raffle. A more traditional option, always popular. With the help of friends, create a basket full of tasty goodies and some pieces of craft. Or it could simply be a single big item (like a Webber Braai or a weekend holiday for 4). Any item should be donated. Get the local schools involved, maybe giving a short talk on the “Cause” that warrants their contributions, and either selling tickets for a draw, or auctioning off the basket. Tickets for a draw will probably work better, as the cost is spread over a greater number of people.
2) Restaurant takeover. Find a local restaurant who will not only donate a day of sales to your cause - but let your volunteers work as the waiters! They can also talk about the cause to customers, which will then inspire them to donate extra. Your donors will also have a great time watching these non-professional waiters try to cope. It might be a bit chaotic, but it is all part of what makes it different and a great success. This is an unusual option, but can be lots of fun for younger and older crowds alike.
3) Karaoke evening or a Tacky contest. You could approach a local club that already has the facilities. They will be making more money selling drinks and you can benefit from the concert angle. People love to make fools of themselves - especially for charity! It can be a lot of fun and bring in tons of money too.
4) Cell Ph Competitions. Today, with modern technology, you could organize a 5digit number to host a competition, similar to the raffle. Of course, the prize would have to be something spectacular. There are companies that specialise in organizing this type of option. Well worth looking into.
5) Website or a Blog. Start a blog or if you have a website with all the details of the situation and what the funds would be going to, it could be very appealing and be educational as to the cause. Details of where donations could be made to could also be added to the website. People could even leave comment there for you.

These are 5 ideas for fund raisers that will not only bring in money to support your cause, but are unique and some are fun ways to spend an afternoon/evening as well.
How have you raised money in the past? Anyone with experience in this? Please post your comments on how you think these 5 ideas will work or if you have a bright idea of your own. Till next time xx.


Welcome to this blog! If you look at the top right hand corner of this blog, you will see a space listing followers. That "widget" as it is called, is where you too can register to become one of this blogs followers. It doesn't tie you to anything, or mean that you will receive unwanted mails or funny stuff like that. Simply click on the appropriate words, and follow directions. It helps me with the statistics of this blog as well as being able to gauge how popular the articles are, or whether to go off on another tangent!! Leave a comment if there is something you would like to know more about, I can do some research and do a series of blogs on that ... no prob!
So go ... click, click. Till later xx.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Well, this time around I am thinking about the predicament I have been in for most of my life, and want to share with you what I have been offered to help me solve my problem to an extent. Are you just blogging for the fun of it? Wouldn't you like to make some money by means of this hobby? That is what I am working on. I will keep you posted as to what I come up with and am testing a couple of programs and looking at which is viable and successful. You can review some of the programs and packages on the "making extra money" review site. It has been most helpful to us. This is how you too can be making extra money
Let me know what YOU think ... Till later xx.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

LOW GI - Good for Weight Loss?

Does The Glycemic Index Guarantee Weight Loss? 

  by Randy

So many people are interested in the Glycemic Index and they hope that this will help them to lose weight. Over 165 000 searches are done each month about Glycemic Index. That means that people are curious and also confused about how this actually works. So what is this Glycemic Index exactly and how does it help you lose weight? Does it work, or is it over-hyped like all the other programs?

What is the Glycemic Index?

The glycemic index (GI) is a scale from 1 to 100 that measures how quickly carbohydrate foods are broken down into glucose. The original purpose for the glycemic index was to help diabetics keep their blood sugar under control. According to advocates of the glycemic index system, foods that are high on the GI scale are "unfavorable" and should be avoided because high GI foods are absorbed quickly, raise blood sugar rapidly and are therefore more likely to convert to fat or cause health problems. So foods that are low on the scale should be better and benefital to weight loss.

The Glycemic Index is not a diet. It is a tool that helps you kepp track of the foods that are likely to work best for you. The power of the glycemic index is that you can use it to choose your foods wisely, because it shows you which foods will have the greatest impact on your blood sugar.

The problems with The Glycemic Index

The problem with The Glycemic Index is that it was based on eating carbohydrates in a fasted state. So that is why it loses some of its significance. It is much better for example to eat smaller and more frequent meals to increase your energy. If you eat carbohydrates with protein and fat, then the effects of The Glycemic Index are reduced even more.

If you combine foods that are very high on the scale like potatoes with some meat, which contains a lot of protein then, the protein the glycemic index of the entire meal is lower, than the potatoes by itself. People normally eat both carbs and protein in the same meal. The Glycemic Index is only effective, when you eat carbs only in a fasted state.

The Glycemic Index is not the one and only solution. But it has its own benefits and should not be thrown to the trash as well. It by itself does not guarantee fat loss, but it is a small piece of a bigger picture. If you take the positives from each program and put them together then you will have much better chances to lose weight.

About the Author

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle is a program that contains all the information you'll ever need to help you melt away body fat permanently without muscle loss and without using drugs or unnecessary supplements. It is the best selling Ebook on the internet since 2003 and has sold over 120 000 copies worldwide.


Top 10 Anti Aging Tips For Skin Beauty   

by Matthew B Jones

When it comes to removing the signs that time have left behind on your skin there are some things that work much better than others. Try these ten anti-aging tips for skin care and see what a difference it makes in your skin.

Low GI Diet

Fluctuations in insulin levels is one of the primary culprits when it comes those tell tale signs of aging. Lower the amount of high glycemic foods that you eat and see for yourself what a difference it makes to the condition of your skin.

High Antioxidant Diet

Free radicals take their toll on the youthful beauty of your skin. You can not only prevent further damage by adding a sufficient supply of antioxidants to your diet but actually reverse the lines that age has already etched across your face.

Dr. Perricone Diet

Following the anti aging diet by Dr. Perricone helps skin on multiple levels. One of the most important though is by ensuring an adequate supply of essential fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids in particular, are included in your diet. This diet will not only reverse the signs of aging but in many cases help you get rid of a little of the weight you may put on as you age also.


This is an often overlooked component when it comes to keeping your skin looking young and healthy. It's an important component though. Exercise gets the blood flowing, which in turns moves the nutrients you consume where they need to be. Even those that are responsible for nourishing the skin.

Stress Reduction

Stress is a major contributor to most visible signs of aging. If you reduce the amount of stress in your life it makes perfect sense that you will eliminate the signs of aging that are caused by them. At the very least, they will not be getting any worse. 

Anti Aging Cream

The right anti aging wrinkle cream can make all the difference. The trick is in finding the serum or creme that will work best for you. Make sure that the creams you use will not contribute to other skin conditions such as acne, while delivering the moisture giving life and beauty you are looking for. Anti aging products have come a long way, so use them to enhance your skin's natural beauty.

Hair Makeover

Changing the style, length, cut, or color of your hair can make a huge difference in your youthful appeal. Hair that is shiny and well cared for looks younger and has more life than dull, dry hair with no bounce or life to it. If your hair is weighing you down, give it a lift and see what it does for your spirits and your skin. It is worth paying well for a good cut so make this an investment rather than a cheap means to an end.

Getting Enough Sleep

Your body heals the most while you are sleeping. This includes the skin. If you aren't getting enough sleep, your skin will eventually tell the tale. Make sure that you are getting the rest you need to keep your skin looking as beautiful as possible.

Make Up 

Make Up is the forgiver of all beauty faux pas, when applied correctly. When you are fighting the signs of aging you want to use makeup that will hide them without being obvious. Use cream eye shadows and blushes along with glosses rather than matte colors for your lips these things all work to keep moisture in rather than allowing it to escape or allowing the make up to settle within the lines drawing more attention to these signs of aging. 

Non SLS Skin Care Products

SLS, otherwise known as sodium lauryl sulfate. Sodium can take a toll on the health and beauty of your skin. Unfortunately, its included in many skin care products you will find on the market. If you want to avoid SLS it is best to purchase organic products or read the labels carefully when purchasing products that are sold on the shelves at local supermarkets.

These ten tips can help you achieve the gorgeous skin of your youth, year after year. Turn back the hands of time today and put these anti aging skin care tips to work for you.

About the Author

Matthew Jones reviews the anti aging treatments that are best rated. Get more information regarding anti aging cream.


How to Know Which Weight Loss Program

 Will Work for You  by Ricardo d Argence

With so many gimmicks and quick fix solutions being advertised for weight loss, it can be difficult to know which will work for you. Before you start, it is important to realize that the only real way of losing weight and keeping it off, aside from invasive surgery, is diet and exercise.

Many people buy into different weight loss schemes because they want an alternative to this, but it doesn't exist, you really need a balance of both. Neither diet alone, nor exercise alone will give you the results you want so it is important to find a way to strike a balance between the two and to incorporate it into your daily routine.

If you, like many others, feel that you need some outside guidance and encouragement to achieve your weight loss goals, there are many options you can consider. For those not wanting to spend too much on what is a long-term goal, there are free programs available.

These can be legitimate, but are not always and so a little research is beneficial in determining which will work for you. Just note that the testimonials on the websites of free programs are not necessarily reliable and you should consult a healthcare or fitness professional before deciding on any program.

Free programs can be useful for these looking to ease their way into a new routine and can give you a broad sense of what you want to achieve and how you can go about doing it. The downside to these programs is that they rarely, if ever, offer a personalized program or personal support and what works for one person doesn't always work for someone else.

Free programs also tend to be fairly limited, they typically only take you through to a certain level before you are required to move on to a more tailored program. It's important to find a balance between diet and exercise. You don't want to make yourself miserable by starving yourself and overdoing it in a gym, because you will give up. Starting out in these things is often the hardest part. Hiring at least one session a month with a personal trainer while you're starting out can be extremely helpful in keeping you on track.

Before purchasing any fitness or dietary program, it is important to remember that expensive doesn't equal effective. Gyms often offer free trials, which allow you to see if they suit your needs before you take out a subscription and diets do not have to consist of lengthy periods of deprivation and do not have to be complex.

Talk to a dietician about your health needs and weight loss goals and have a personal eating plan prepared for you. In cases such as these, everyone has an opinion about what you should and shouldn't do, but as everyone's bodies work in different ways and respond to different things, it is best to ignore friendly advice and to stick with your professional plan.

You can also check my website, you will find there a lot of useful resources to lose that extra pounds.

About the Author

You can burn that fat, and the whole reason why are you on this site, is because you know you want to burn that fat! We have the best diets and Fat Loss Systems.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I have invited several of my friends and aquintances to visit my blog for a look-see. Well, I hope you like, and if you do, leave a comment or two! I am feeling rather brave today, sitting by the window with the wind in my hair. As always, time is of the essence, so I am juggling between blogging, emails, business, playing with dolls and baking cupcakes, and still planning to squeeze in a brisk walk thru the park. The saying: "Time waits for no man/woman", has never been more true. So all you busy busy folk out there, spare a few minutes to check this blog out regularly and you can even contribute with an article or two of interest to you. Till next time then, Ciao. 


The articles posted have been very interesting. My own views on health and weight issues are much the same, and I would like to expand into information tackling issues like; diabetis in children, ADD management, menopause issues, age-related health problems like Alzheimers Disorder etc. I like to assess the information I share with all from the viewpoint of caregiver and mother of 4. So enjoy reading and share your viewpoint by comments also. I welcome that.  Tell me what you would like to know more about ... tell me your story ... 
Till next time. xx

Friday, December 12, 2008


The Best Diet for your Body Type in 5 easy steps

 by Helen Laxton

Common sense (not to mention professional medical opinon!) suggests that a 'balanced' diet is best for almost everyone. By 'balanced', we mean that you strictly control your consumption of saturated fats and refined sugar, and be careful about how much protein you eat. Kind of makes the Atkins Diet look a little shaky, doesn't it? The Atkins Diet, and other 'crash' diets are a knee-jerk reaction to a disturbing Western diet phenomenon - in short, our diet is getting worse, and we are ALL getting fatter!

In most western countries (particularly the USA and Europe) most citizens consume too much saturated fat (generally, the rise of 'McBurgers' and other 'fast' foods is thought to be responsible for this). Likewise, we all eat too much refined sugar, which is a major component of most 'soft' drinks (or sodas) and is also found in horrendous quantities in refined white flour. The use of white flour in our bread has also contributed to a related problem - we tend to get too little fiber in our diets nowadays! Is fast food the culprit? Given that over half of every dollar spent on food in the USA is spent in fast food outlets nowadays, the answer is probably 'yes'.

Twenty years ago, an obese person would be the center of some attention - a medical problem might be suspected. Nowadays, almost 1 in 3 Americans is obese, as are 1 in 5 Brits. The problem has gone from being small, to being (literally!) large. And this has happened in a single generation. So how can we get back to diet basics?

Firstly, Balance that diet! Make sure you eat foods from ALL the major food groups.

Secondly, Keep the saturated fat and refined sugar intake LOW. Our bodies need fat and carbohydrates, but DON'T need saturated fat or refined sugar - we only eat them because they taste good!

Thirdly, stick with the 'good' carbohydrates. Good carbs include fresh vegetables, fruit and potatoes. Items like whole wheat bread, pasta, rice, oats, beans and whole grains are also excellent providers of the essential elements and energy our bodies need to function healthily. There is a reason why doctors advise us to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day - it keeps us healthy! (and even helps prevent cancers!).

Fourthly, you CAN eat fat in reduced amounts, but it must be 'good' fat. By this we mean monounsaturated or polyunsaturated food sources, and NOT animal fats, which 'clog' up arteries, and contribute more than anything else to heart disease. Fat of any kind is particularly heavy in calories (2 times the average of other foodstuffs), so you must keep the amount you eat right down if weight loss is the aim. 

Fifthly, and this is a funny one, ALWAYS make a shopping list before you go out, and STICK TO IT! The number of 'impulse' purchases we all make would surprise you, and believe you me, these impulses are ALWAYS bad for the tummy!

Helen Laxton writes for www.supadiet.com website , the place for free diet articles tips and tricks to lose weight supafast!


Foods That Increase Your Fat Metabolism - Fat Burning Foods
Flaviu Serban

There are foods that increase your fat metabolism which help to quicken the fat burning capability of your body. Your body was wonderfully designed to burn fat efficiently and so if you eat the right kind of fat burning food you will be able to lose thigh fat, lose stubborn belly fat and leg fat which makes your body to go out of shape and be unhealthy.

Most of the foods we eat have the ability to increase your fat metabolism because the body must use energy to digest them; however the best fat burning food is lean protein from real solid foods such as:

Turkey and chicken breast 
• Game meats (antelope, elk, venison) 
• Lean red meat 
• Fish 
• Shellfish and other seafood 
• Egg whites (without the yolk)

Meal replacement protein powders can be taken in the mid-afternoon and before dinner as they are real fat burning food.

Reduce eating "insulin-inducing" carbohydrates in your food because research have found out a strong correlated with a dramatic increase in excess weight and obesity, as well as diabetes when you increase the intake of insulin-inducing carbohydrates.

Foods that can increase your fat metabolism and are real fat burning foods which you must part of your daily diet include the following: Vegetables such as broccoli, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, cauliflower, squash and beans; fruits such as apples, berries, oranges, peaches, plums, and watermelon; whole grains such as whole-wheat bread, rye bread and brown rice.

Eating foods that increase your fat metabolism above the normal rate of your body is the fastest way to lose weight and burn stubborn stomach fat and thigh fat.

If you wish to learn more about foods that increase your fat metabolism and lose 10, 20, 30 lbs without the frustrations people normally face with weight loss, click here now. We have selected 5 weight loss programs that will help you stay healthy and free from the health problems of diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure and hypertension common with overweight people. If you say you have no time today to lose weight, you may have enough time to stay in the hospital tomorrow. Act now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Flaviu_Serban


Get Started to a Healthier You
Archie Freeman

If you are like many people you probably take in a large amount of heavily processed foods and drinks. You probably grab coffee in the morning with a donut, then fast food for lunch, swing by another fast food or take out place for dinner or head home to pop the frozen feed the family meal into the oven. As a result, people are aging faster and losing health even if they are exercising. Antioxidant drinks can help to provide the body with a replacement for what is missing out of the foods that are eaten.

Most processed foods are low in the actual nutrients that the body needs in order to maintain its health all the way down to the cellular level. It is because of this that people are aging faster, ending up with stress related disorders, and are generally overworked. You can easily take the time out to grab a cup of coffee. If you can do that then grabbing a health drink that will provide you with the benefits of antioxidants should not be difficult.

Take the time to try it. Use them for a week or a month and replace coffee with antioxidant drinks. See if you can see the difference for yourself in the amount of energy you have. Most people do not eat the foods that contain these special and necessary nutrients. They are found in fruits like black cherry, pomegranate, and black currant. They are found in blueberries and cranberries. By combining all of these together you can get a long standing and highly beneficial effect.

Purple is one such antioxidant drink. It contains seven fruits that are packed full of the antioxidants that your body needs. These nutrients work on a cellular level to provide your body with an overall sense of well being. They help to provide energy and help reduce the signs of aging. By providing energy to the body, and reducing the signs of aging, in addition to freeing the body of toxic radicals. You will end up with a healthier and happier you.

They also help to keep your mind sharp because you are providing your body with the proper fuel it needs to run at it's best. This means you are better able to handle stressful situations, and better able to get through the day. What if you could make your exercise routine more effective, is it worth it to check out an antioxidant packed drink. Antioxidants remove radicals from the body. Radicals are substances, which are released from the body and can provide toxic effects if they are allowed to build up.

Antioxidants are like natures way of fighting against these. By incorporating a solid foundation of these elements and nutrients within the body such as through antioxidant drinks you can easily remove radicals from your body. This means that you do not have to work as hard to remove toxic substances from your system. Since exercise is one way to do this you can greatly reduce the amount of time you need to spend in order to accomplish the same thing.

Archie Freeman is author of this article on Pomegranate juice benefits.

Find more information about Antioxidant drinks here.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Shopping with more Style

Shopping Do's and Don'ts to Help You Find Your Style After 40!
By Deborah E Boland and JoJami Tyler

Ever gone shopping, tried something on and wondered, "Does this look awful, or am I just not hip?" How do you really know if a new trend looks bad on you or whether you're just stuck in a serious style rut? Here are 5 shopping Do's and Don'ts get you off the fashion fence and help you look fabulous after 40!

1. DON'T Blindly Listen to Sales People

We've all fallen into the trap of letting a salesperson to talk us into buying something, we're not really crazy about. After 40, we are easy prey. While there are some good salespeople out there, most are on commission and wan

t you to buy. Best to listen to your gut about an outfit or develop a long term relationship with a particular salesperson that you like and trust. Also, be sure to take a good look at how the sales person has put herself together. If she doesn't look chic, how can you expect her to help you look chic?

2. DO Take it Home to Test Drive

Most stores have excellent return policies, so if you're not sure how you feel about something, take it home and try it out. It can look very different when you are more rested or if you are in a different light. Maybe you'll even notice how well it works with something else in your closet or start to feel differently about it when you slip in it on and get all kinds of compliments from your family. Or perhaps, you'll realize that your instincts were right after all, and return it.

3. DON'T say No to your First Encounter with a New Style

When a new style arrives in the store it can seem so foreign that even though it looks fabulous on you, it feels strange. This is particularly true after 40. For example, if you try on a pair of new high waisted pants, and you like them, but are just not sure, then try on several versions of the same look from different designers. Sometimes a slightly different cut or a small detail change can make all the difference and suddenly you are sold.

4. DO check out what other Women are pulling off

If you are not sure if a style is age appropriate, then take a look at what other fashionable gals your age are wearing. If you are over 40 and worried that chunky platform shoes may look too young, but you notice stylish 40 somethings wearing who look great, then go for it. Also notice what clothes, hair and accessories these women are wearing with the chunky platforms. It's important to co-ordinate a total look.

5. DO Be Prepared to make Mistakes

If you've fallen off the style track since you've turned 40 it's going to take a while to get back on board. Be prepared to make a few mistakes and forgive yourself. So you thought it looked great, gave it a chance and a month later hated it. This will happen. Don't beat yourself up. Getting Your Style Groove back is a process.

6. DON'T Buy Clothes you are not in Love With

In the end, the best way to determine whether a new style is right for you is to be in love with it. That's the bottom line. If you don't feel confident in what you are wearing you will never look fabulous no matter what anyone says. Remember you have to feel fabulous to look fabulous after 40!

Deborah Boland and JoJami Tyler (The Glam Gals) are Image and Style Experts specializing in helping women 40 plus look and feel fabulous. They are the authors of the e-book, The Glam Plan~ 12 Simple Steps to Take You From Frumpy to Fabulous, as well as coaches for their Tweak Your Chic, Image make-over program. For more tips go to http://www.fabulousafter40.com and sign up for their bi-weekly newsletter. You can also contact them at: info@fabulousafter40.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Deborah_E_Boland

Shopping with Sense

9th December 2008

Shopping Tips For When to Skimp and When to Splurge?

Ever since Isaac Mizrahi went from elite fashion designer to the king of sensible style for the masses at Target, other fashion designers including Stella McCartney and Karl Lagerfeld have jumped on the bandwagon to create their own special lines for H&M and other discount chains.

That's great news for savvy shoppers who want high style at affordable prices! By mixing a few of these frugal fashion finds with some luxury basics it's easy to get an upscale look for less! The trick is knowing when to skimp and when to splurge.

Here are 7 shopping tips to help you do it well:

1. Splurge on a Suit 
The basis for any work wardrobe is a suit. Reserve the largest part of your budget for this. The better quality the suit, the better it will make you look and the longer it will last. Choose a suit in a timeless, year round fabric like wool or wool blend. Pay a lot of attention to cut and fit in order to look polished and powerful.

2. Skimp on Accessories

One sure way to waste money is to buy expensive accessories to complete a look of the moment. You know, you buy the $600 safari sundress, the $300 safari necklace, $300 safari belt and $300 scarf to match and next season that style is out. Accessories are very important to finish a look, but be careful. It's fine to pay top dollar for a belt you wear all the time, but don't waste your money on an expensive belt with a short style life.

3. Splurge on the Important Basics

Skimp on cute, colorful tops and sweaters, trendy dresses and casual pants from knock-off giants like Zara, H&M or Target, but splurge on a great classic shirt, a beautiful cashmere sweater and one great white stretch T, even it means paying a higher price. The latter are investment pieces. You know the rule, figure out how much something costs and divide it by the number of times you will wear it to get the cost per wear to determine how much you should pay.

4. Skimp on Casual Shoes

Unless you're buying shoes for work (which need to be the best quality you can find) shoes do not need to be expensive. Shop seasonal sales at stores like Saks, Neiman's and Nordstrom for big savings. Visit designer outlet stores and discount chains for bargains on top name brands. Go often to get the best offerings. Don't be a shoe snob. Let's face it if you are just running around on the weekends, you don't need to wear expensive shoes. Save your money for buying shoes when it really matters.

5. Splurge on Jeans

Many women buy pricey jeans so they can be seen wearing the label of the moment. Wrong! What's more important is to find a pair of jeans that fit you perfectly, regardless of price. Get over the label thing and keep shopping until you find the perfect pair. Remember no one will be looking at your label is they're looking at your fabulous figure in these perfectly fitting jeans.

6. Splurge on a Purse

Like it or not purses has become a statement of who you are and what you stand for. A good quality bag says volumes... Keep your eyes peeled for sales and remember if you are going to spend a few hundred dollars on a quality purse choose one that is classic. Black, taupe, and cream are better choices than trendy colors like mustard or orange. Look for timeless simple details that will stand the test of time. Better one good bag than several cheap ones.

7. Skimp on Lingerie.

Final shopping tip - No need to spend full price on lingerie, unless you are hard to fit. Better to spend less and buy more often to keep your lingerie looking and feeling fresh. Beautiful, good quality Camisoles, bras and panties are everywhere at great prices. It's always nice however to have one decadently luxurious bra and panty tucked away for special days.

Deborah Boland and JoJami Tyler (The Glam Gals) are Image and Style Experts specializing in helping women 40 plus look and feel fabulous. They are the authors of the e-book, The Glam Plan~ 12 Simple Steps to Take You From Frumpy to Fabulous, as well as coaches for their Tweak Your Chic, Image make-over program. For more tips go to http://www.fabulousafter40.com and sign up for their bi-weekly newsletter. You can also contact them at: info@fabulousafter40.com

Shopping with Style

Tuesday, 9th December 2008

How to Accessorize a Little Black Dress

Versatile, flattering and timelessly elegant, the little black dress is the ultimate must have item in every woman's wardrobe. From classy curve-creating halter necks to the stunning flared hemline, there is an 'LBD' out there to suit every figure. Established by Coco Chanel in the 1920s, the little black dress has gone from strength to strength and today every designer worth his salt, from top catwalk names to budget High Street brands, has a wide range to choose from.

The beauty of the LBD lies largely in its flexibility: whether you're heading to the office or the dancefloor, you can count on your LBD to provide the perfect outfit for every occasion.

Important Meeting 
It's the morning of the big presentation, if you can win over this client and make the sale you know that promotion will finally be within your reach. You've spent the last few weeks thinking of nothing else - you've run over the slides a million times and prepared answers for every question they might throw at you; but one thing you haven't planned is what to wear.

Step up the little black dress. For a powerful boardroom look, a neat notched-collar blazer with single button closed will accentuate your waist while retaining a professional appearance. Try Guess or Donna Karan for a great designer treat, or for a blazer that won't break the bank, Topshop has a great range of fashionable yet sophisticated jackets.

Keeping with the simple but classic theme, this look can be tastefully finished with delicate silver jewellery. Choose a pair of small stud earrings, a minimalist silver pendant and a slim silver bracelet to complete your transformation to stylish and successful executive.

Girls' Night Out 
So you did, you made the big pitch and you got the sale. Your bosses are delighted, and your colleagues a little envious, but after all that hard work all you really want to do is get out of the office and celebrate with the girls. Well lucky you chose the little black dress; a few simple alterations can take you from the board room to the wine bar in minutes.

Firstly, the aim is to let your hair down so why not literally do just that? For shoulder length to long hair, unpinning your locks and letting them fall freely about your face gives a lovely warm and natural look to accentuate your features. Now for the jewellery; put the simple silver aside and slip on some chunky, funky beads and matching bracelet. Go for a bright colour, such as turquoise or purple, to add a fun and playful twist and finish off with a bright clutch bag to finish the look.

Black Tie Ball 
A few months down the line and your well-deserved promotion has taken effect. An invite to the company's annual black tie dinner appears on your desk and your first thought is, "what will I wear?" Well fear not, once again you can count on an LBD to guarantee you'll cut a glamorous and striking figure on the ballroom floor.

For a formal function a strapless dress is always a great choice and accessorizing with real or faux pearls will provide the elegant finishing touches to ensure you stand out from the crowd. A simple string of pearls will draw admiring attention to your shoulders and can be stylishly complemented by a pair of matching drop effect earrings and pearl bracelet. Your make-up essentials can be slipped into a small satin purse and this stunning ensemble glamorously completed with a pair of black strappy sandals. Be sure to wear these in before the event so you can comfortably dance the night away.

Christmas Party 
The party season comes around quicker each year but once again an LBD is perfect for creating a timeless festive look. At this time of year it's all about making the most of the long nights and brightening things up with a bit of sparkle. A fun, floaty dress is perfect for getting into the party spirit. Accessorize with warm golden tones and dramatic eye make-up to be sure of a kiss under the mistletoe.

For a bit of glitzy glamour, a pair of golden strappy sandals and matching handbag works wonders. Jewellery should be fun and festive; at this time of year you can afford to be a little more flamboyant. Experiment with costume jewellery or, if you're feeling brave, try a feather boa for that extra playful detail.

Golden Rules 
A final word on accessorizing: keep in mind that 'less is more'. Think of your LBD as a canvas on which to create the perfect picture of you. Accessories such as shoes, jewellery and handbags can subtly draw attention to your best features allowing you to create a masterpiece.

For more information about adding great shoes to a little black dress please visit: Christian Louboutin.

Marie Hilland

Designer Wear

Monday, December 8, 2008

Footprints in the sand

Welcome to my Blog. This is quite the occasion!! Fresh off the press ... what a great spot to air my views and share my life with friends old and new. This is a very exciting time as I am busy with a new venture ... more about that another day. It is summer in Cape Town and we are soaking up the sun and enjoying the fresh breeze that cools us down just enough to want to run back into the sun. 
Footprints in the sand. That is what my comments can be like ... footprints left in the smooth sand, there for a while to be admired, and then gone, leaving smooth sand for fresh footprints to come along. 
I hope to share some tips and clever ideas with all, and if needed, maybe some advice or an opinion if you like. I'll be back!!! Watch this space ... xx