Recently I came across a situation that really tugged my heartstrings. What would you do if someone in your family needed medical treatment which is very costly? How does a person go about raising a large sum of money in a short period of time. There are so many generous people around, but to harness that generosity is the task at hand.
I personally know someone who needs help of that nature and have thought about how best to help. The following suggestions for fund-raising is very do-able, and gives those with generous hearts and funds to spare the opportunity to also help a fellow human being.
These events can be organized by the actual person needing the funds, or by other groups and individuals who in turn donate their proceeds to the Fund.
Here are just a few ideas:
1) Basket raffle. A more traditional option, always popular. With the help of friends, create a basket full of tasty goodies and some pieces of craft. Or it could simply be a single big item (like a Webber Braai or a weekend holiday for 4). Any item should be donated. Get the local schools involved, maybe giving a short talk on the “Cause” that warrants their contributions, and either selling tickets for a draw, or auctioning off the basket. Tickets for a draw will probably work better, as the cost is spread over a greater number of people.
2) Restaurant takeover. Find a local restaurant who will not only donate a day of sales to your cause - but let your volunteers work as the waiters! They can also talk about the cause to customers, which will then inspire them to donate extra. Your donors will also have a great time watching these non-professional waiters try to cope. It might be a bit chaotic, but it is all part of what makes it different and a great success. This is an unusual option, but can be lots of fun for younger and older crowds alike.
3) Karaoke evening or a Tacky contest. You could approach a local club that already has the facilities. They will be making more money selling drinks and you can benefit from the concert angle. People love to make fools of themselves - especially for charity! It can be a lot of fun and bring in tons of money too.
4) Cell Ph Competitions. Today, with modern technology, you could organize a 5digit number to host a competition, similar to the raffle. Of course, the prize would have to be something spectacular. There are companies that specialise in organizing this type of option. Well worth looking into.
5) Website or a Blog. Start a blog or if you have a website with all the details of the situation and what the funds would be going to, it could be very appealing and be educational as to the cause. Details of where donations could be made to could also be added to the website. People could even leave comment there for you.
These are 5 ideas for fund raisers that will not only bring in money to support your cause, but are unique and some are fun ways to spend an afternoon/evening as well.
How have you raised money in the past? Anyone with experience in this? Please post your comments on how you think these 5 ideas will work or if you have a bright idea of your own. Till next time xx.
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