Welcome to all, at the end of another year that has absolutely flown by!! Normally, at this time of the year, family and friends are visiting and enjoying each others company over a good meal or around a fire. This is also the time of reminiscing about times past and times to come. Plans are made, resolutions made and later broken. We reflect on how our year has been and look to the future.
Well, I sincerely hope you are looking forward to something good in this next year. Much doom and gloom around, recession in many a country, violence looming. Maybe this year, each of us can make a difference, helping the earth, helping our kids and working hard to improve what we can around us. One step at a time. Everything of the best to all of you over the next few weeks, keep popping in for a viz at this blog. I am going to be posting some juicy articles to tickle your brain and hopefully leave you with a smile on your face!!
Later then xx.
Hi there hee hee. great article you wrote and write up all the time. Yeah i hope next year will be a good one. And what are you putting up to tickle our brains with?? i will pop in and check it out haha.
Yes, here we are, standing at the forefront of a whole new year. For some people, this is like stepping into a brand new space, a chapter of their life that can change things. Whether it be healthwise, financial or relationships. We can each one of us make a difference in our own lives. We just have to take that first step to do something different!! The old saying goes: 'If you keep doing the same things, you will keep getting the same results.' So ... that means we NEED to step out of our comfort zone, DO something different!
Does that tickle your brain?
This is the year that I am going to be doing something DIFFERENT ...
Again, watch this space! Till later xx
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