I was going to visit a friend who had not been well, and wanted to take something yummy with for tea. So out came the trusted recipe book, earmarked and blotched with splashes of milk and egg and other unknown ingredients ... there must be something special that I haven't made in ages .... something that will lift the spirits .... that will make her .... SMILE.
Then I saw it - the Queen Mothers Favourite Cake. That was it! I will take you thru the process of baking this very special cake.
Pour 1C Boiling water over 1pkt Dates (chopped). Add 1t Bicarb.
In a separate bowl, mix 1C Sugar, 1 Egg and 100gr melted Marg/Butter.
Fold in 1 and a half C Sifted Flour, 1t Baking Pwd and half t Salt.
Now add the softened Date mix and stir well.
Pour into greased square dish and bake for 35 - 40 min at 180C.
Once out the oven, spread with the following topping:
Simmer together 125ml Cream with 125ml Sugar for a few minutes.
Poke cake with knife before spreading topping so it can soak in.
Optional: Sprinkle chopped nuts over.
DELICIOUS on its own or with whipped cream. Needless to say, my friend was very impressed!!!
This is a very easy cake to make and a favourite in our home.
ENJOY !!! and try some of the other recipes on this blog.
Well, the weekend is looming and there is lots to do. So Have A Good One :)
Till later xx C
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