Thinking of going to a spa for a good 'spoil'?? Why not do it all at home? Here's how...
First, a hot bath would be one of the best ways to soothe the knots from the shoulders to the feet. Create a relaxing atmosphere by lighting little candles or lamps with your favorite aromatherapy oils. For a more calming and relaxing bath, you could add milk and lemon juice to the water to achieve silky smooth skin. Or, you could give your skin the vitamins it needs without actually taking tablets orally. Use your vitamin E capsules, poke them with a pin and squeeze out the oil into the tub along with regular sea salt and a few drops of your favorite essence oil for an invigorating soak. Once inside the tub, just imagine that you are in an expensive spa instead of just in your own bathroom.
Next, your face. Free your face of worry wrinkles. Combine vodka, fennel seeds and honey (let sit for 3 days) and apply as toner with a cotton ball. A mask made of mashed ripe banana and honey will give your face a new, vibrant feel. If you are going out, you might want to highlight your eyes and cheeks for more stunning effect without really going through extensive alterations. You can bring out the natural beauty of your eyes and cheeks by putting the perfect shade of foundation, eye shadow, blush on and lipstick properly. The trick here is to know your skin type and skin color and to determine the colors that would compliment the shape and type of the face. And at the end of each day, do not forget to remove make-up. One secret is to mix Castor oil, light olive oil and canola oil. Use a cotton ball, apply tenderly over the eyes to remove make up. Keep the shine off your face too, by using lemon juice mixed with cold-water toner. When a trace of pimple is showing on your face, prevent it by placing an ice cube wrapped in saran over the threatening pimple. Retain the freshness in your face.
Your feet deserve the total rest they badly need after carrying you anywhere you want to go. Rest for a few moments by propping them on a chair. Then prepare a great foot-bath, something you'd find in a posh spa. Treat them to a deodorizing bath with Epsom salts, white vinegar and warm water. Then exfoliate them with a mixture of strawberries, olive oil, kosher salt and finely chopped almonds. For smooth and soft feet overnight, smear on a mixture of banana, honey, lemon juice and natural margarine. Wear thick socks to bed and rinse the next day. Follow with a foot deodorizing powder made from baking powder and drops of your favorite essential oils. Voila! Your feet will love you.
your hands need special attention too. Make sure that you have done the last of your chores so that your hands can benefit to the full from this treat. A hot oil hand treatment could leave your hands feeling soft and gentle. Heat olive oil in a dish and soak fingers to soften cuticles and strengthen nails. Combine cold cream, honey and slivered almonds to make a scrub then leave on for 10 minutes. Wrap hands in hot hand towels tightly for 10 minutes. Remove the rinse and apply leftover olive oil. Wrap hand again in towel or inexpensive cotton hand gloves. Then put plastic over gloves and seal with rubber bands and let stay for 10 minutes. You'll feel the moisture as it creates a terrarium effect. A real treat!
You didn't have to go out of the house to feel great! You didn't even spend anything because, the oatmeal was just on the top shelf, and the herbs just in the corner cabinet. Your hubby probably wouldn't notice that you took a little of his vodka from the bar either. Ha ha ... Feel great, look good. Wait for the compliments!
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