How I wish for a CLEAN, SAFE earth; we know pollution, toxins and the very behaviour of people, are destroying the very planet we live on and want our children and grandchildren to enjoy. HOW can 'little old me' HELP?
It has been said that each and every thing a person does, makes an impact on the planet! For good, or bad ... Something to think about ... For a day, or a week, consider every thing you do; consciously stop and think, before throwing out that trash, before packing your groceries into a plastic bag at the store, before turning on the tap and needlessly running water .... What could you do differently?? It is a mindset change. Think of the planet as a breathing, living organ ... would you bury it under rubbish, would you drain it's water, would you smother it with plastic? NO !! I know you would never harm a living, breathing organ or person. We ALL can do SOMEthing different that will have a HUGE impact on our future.
DON'T DELAY ..... START TODAY ! Show someone else...
The planet will thank you : )

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