This is a collection of pics I will be using in my journal .... a collage of things that I love and am writing about; for instance, the heart of candles. It was Earth Hour at 8.30 PM, 26 March 2011. We duly switched off all lights and I decided to do something worthy of photographing with candles. I came up with my heart-shaped little flames. I think it is a good reminder for me to conserve, conserve, conserve : )

Next time they visit, I'm sure they will once again want to play in the sea; the scary moment forgotten ... life goes on.
The wall hanging consists of a huge frame with strings and sometimes gut, threaded with shells, small bits of driftwood, big and small beads, miniature frames and the odd guinea-fowl feather. The frame originally held an ancient tapestry, brown with age ... held no appeal for me, so after taking out the tapestry, I sprayed the frame gold and started my 'masterpiece'. It has changed a few times, updating the design and using new beads etc, moving with us from house to house.
My ideal garden is low-maintenance ... plants, stones, paving, gravel; that's what I'm talking about! The strip which is our 'back yard' is all of 2m wide, the only sunshine peeping in for about an hour or so at midday. Not an ideal grass-growing area. Even herbs and veggies struggle to do well there ... the only option is my personal favourite; gravel with a small bedding for plants. The half-moon shaped brickwork is in imitation of the 'Sun Paving' of the driveway, done by 'yours truly'; lots of back-work, scuffed knuckles and broken nails! The sleeper that edges the bedding is the cat's favourite scratch post : )
Aahh! I remember the big photo frame that Nicole helped me with. We 'scrapbooked' the collection of family photos ... She is very creative and we spent a happy hour or two making that.
The small frame with the first 3 grandkids in, I did by myself. Something different from the normal, plain 'photos in a frame' look!
The last items today is a pair of Mosaic Tables. This is the first time that I attempted this art form. I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed the putting together of the colours and lines. Next time I will attempt something with a bit more curve and shades ...
For a person not fond of storytelling, I am finding the journalling quite thought-provoking and find myself digging up memories ... some funny, some important; nevertheless, some day in the future, it will be a collection of ME left behind for my family to keep ^v^
Who else is writing a life-journal? Let me know what special thoughts you are including : )
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