July is the middle of our winter months here in the Southern Hemisphere ... supposed to be. But this year, instead of our normal rainy days and icy air, we are experiencing what is called an 'Indian Summer'; weeks of warm sunny weather. It is very enjoyable, I must say, but soooo unseasonal! The tree in the yard that always loses its leaves and stands naked till September, is now proudly showing off fresh, lime-green baby leaves. Forever to be confused...
On the other hand, futher up the coast, where it is supposed to be sunny, dry weather, it is freezing, raining and snowing! Maybe we will experience 'late rains'. As I speak, clouds have gathered and look ominous ... so this may be the turning point. No standing with the hose today, quenching the gardens thirst. We have been warned to get out the winter woolies and to wrap up warmly when venturing outside. At last, maybe I will still be able to use my winter coat. Better go and take it out of its Coat Bag and shake it out!
I wonder what I will be able to do with Willow today, as we normally enjoy walking up and down the driveway and sitting on a blanket on the driveway in the warm sun ...
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