Aahhh! A good weekend .... how do you define a Good Weekend?
For starters, I would say that friends & family are a vital ingredient : )
Next, you need a plan ... get-together, outing or a trip; there's a good start. Good weather is of course, a bonus! Money is not always necessary, but does come in handy LOL
Don't make the mistake of having an over-filled weekend which leaves you exhausted and not keen to repeat the intended experience.
Take photos. It's fun to look back at happy memories made.
So ... one of the places you can put on your 'Fun for the Weekend' list is: Fairview Wine & Cheese Farm near Paarl. Kid-friendly, easy access, fantabulous cheeses and wines & a fine restuarant.
Sharing with friends, discussing their favourites and walking about tasting the different wines and cheeses on offer, makes for a very enjoyable few hours. I could not make up my mind which wine was the best. I think it ended up between the Riesling and the Late Harvest. As for the cheeses, the White Vein cheese with Apricot is a winner! O, and the Cream Cheeses ... yum. Into the basket it had to go : )
On our way there, we could see snow on the surrounding mountains. On the way back, along a alternative road, we spotted our next week's destination; Butterfly World.
Just the thing for a Sunday afternoon.
So, if you live in and near Cape Town, there is a multitude of interesting and wonderful places to explore. Don't sit at home .... get together with some friends and make some memories!
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