We had invited a few friends over for a late lunch on Sunday, so wanting to make something special, I woke up at 6am and tootled down to the kitchen. Lots of prep for this dish, so hold onto your hat as I go thru the process!
After collecting parsley and spring onion from the garden, the lemon was waiting to be squeezed and the peel grated off. An hour of chopping, grating, squeezing, beating, measuring, flaking went by. I thought there must be something wrong with the clock! How could this have taken me sooooo long? Into the oven it went ... half hour later, I knew it was worth it! Do you want the Recipe?? I know you do!
SALMON & DILL CAKES1 tin Salmon, drained & flaked
1 big Onion, chopped finely
30ml fresh Dill, chopped
30ml fresh Parsley, chopped
30ml fresh Spring Onion, chopped
15ml fresh Lemon juice & grated peel of 1 Lemon
4 Eggs
300ml Milk
30ml Cake Flour
5ml Mustard pwd
Salt & freshly ground black pepper
500ml grated Cheese
Spray your muffin fan with 'spray&cook'.
Mix the salmon, onion, herbs and lemon together.
Beat the eggs, milk, flour, mustard and seasoning together.
Add to salmon mix and add 3/4 of cheese.
Spoon into muffin pan - I suggest you line it with paper cases).
Top with remaining cheese and bake in oven of 180C for 30min.
If you have too much batter, spoon the rest into a small ovenproof glass dish and bake at same time.
Enjoy at room temp with salads.
What a great afternoon; good food, good company! I can do this on a regular basis!
Till next time, love xx