Journalling ... brings out the writer in me. Memories, stories, favourite things, opinions, important thoughts. Thats what I'm finding so interesting. An average woman, doing my bit to make a difference
Friday, June 5, 2009
Pressure of a different kind! Not the type we want to avoid ... rather, this type of pressure can be very helpful. Reflexology is treatment that has helped many people avoid resorting to drugs for sorting out medical problems. Using these pressure points to prevent problems from developing is preferred. For instance, if you have a sinus problem, it is better to use the pressure points to prevent a buildup to the point where only anti-biotics or other decongestants will help. To know how to use the pressure points is a trick worth learning. So if you do go to a reflexologist, pay attention to how they apply pressure to those points and continue on a regular basis at home. Ask for advise to continue this treatment on an on-going basis.
This is the type of alternative treatment we WANT to use as it is non-invasive and kind on the body! Enjoy ... Till later xx
Sunday, May 10, 2009

After the trip to the Nursery, the excitement continued all the way home. Unpacking the bag of compost and the plants was an experience, Colby determined to help get these plants into the ground. After some planning, the holes were dug, compost added with great attention to detail. Concentration was obvious on his face. This was a serious business ... Well, the picture tells the tale.
It is such a pleasure to have parsley and chives as well as thyme and mint fresh on hand when whipping up a salad or savoury muffins.
Speaking of that, I have a favourite Cheese & Chive Muffin recipe to share with you. This is always a hit with visitors, old and young!
1 Cup Flour
2 teasp Baking Pwd
pinch Mustard pwd
pinch Cayenne Pepper
1&1/2 c Grated Cheese
3 T chopped Chives
1 Egg mixed with 200ml Milk
Mix together all ingredients except Milk mixture.
Now add Milk mix and fold in. Don't overmix.
Spoon into greased muffin pan
Bake for 15min at 200C till golden brown.
You can add chopped ham or bacon bits also as an extra.
Have fun and above all, ENJOY EATING them : )
Friday, May 8, 2009

We discovered a great play park where kids can spend HOURS playing on various jungle gyms, slides, swings etc as well as have a ride on a mini train. The train is fueled with bio fuel so environment friendly! Parent friendly too! There are many mechanical rides to go on, like the flying horses and quad bikes. There is even an huge indoor play area complete with jumping castles and a restaurant. You really can spend the whole day there. Many people use the facility of fenced off theme areas for kids parties. Needless to say, we had to try it out. Much fun and excitement!!
On the same premises is a huge plant nursery. Hens and chicks roam free and every now and then a cock crows. Really feels like you are on the farm. Mandy bought some plants and the compost to go with it of course ... so it's home to plant. Colby is going to help. Check next blog ...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
This great pic was taken by Jarrod on Pebble Beach. What fun for all! Nothing like a bit of cold Atlantic around your ankles to numb the toes and the brain ... Mandy had the job of holding the hand for a run in the surf. Soon Colby was wetter than aniticipated, those waves creep up on you all too quickly!
Levi on the other hand, was trotting up and down the beach, in a world of his own. So many pebbles, so little space! As the sun went down and the shadows got longer, it was time to go home to dry clothes and hot tea. Mmmmmm...
Friday, May 1, 2009
This has been a busy time for me, hence the absence. My darling daughter and her 2 sons have been visiting, so we have been occupied with little feet and big voices! ha ha. I remember now how hectic life was day after day with 4 little ones running around and trying their luck all day long. Eventually a mom feels like a goalie by the net of order! I know many of you know what I am talking about ...
But all went well and everyone stayed in one piece, apart from the odd scuffed knee and swollen mozzie bite.

The boyz really enjoyed the Garden in Town with squirrels and pigeons. Oh, so much running! After the pigeons and away from the squirrels ... ha ha. Eventually, we got a few nice pics, once they got the hang of the feeding procedure. Of course, someone was just interested in seeing how fast they could run/fly. Hmmmmff.
All in a days work. Nothing like a good swig of milkshake and a plate of chips!
This was the reward for being so patient with us ladies browsing up Long Street, in and out of shops and of course spending a considerable amount of time in the Bead Store. Mmmmm ... :) so many beads, so little time.
Next blog I hope to show the beautiful creations made with those selfsame beads ...
For now, till next time xx

But all went well and everyone stayed in one piece, apart from the odd scuffed knee and swollen mozzie bite.

The boyz really enjoyed the Garden in Town with squirrels and pigeons. Oh, so much running! After the pigeons and away from the squirrels ... ha ha. Eventually, we got a few nice pics, once they got the hang of the feeding procedure. Of course, someone was just interested in seeing how fast they could run/fly. Hmmmmff.
All in a days work. Nothing like a good swig of milkshake and a plate of chips!
This was the reward for being so patient with us ladies browsing up Long Street, in and out of shops and of course spending a considerable amount of time in the Bead Store. Mmmmm ... :) so many beads, so little time.
Next blog I hope to show the beautiful creations made with those selfsame beads ...
For now, till next time xx
Friday, April 3, 2009

Hey there, a friend of mine showed me these new diet rules ... pretty neat! I can live with this.
Rule 1 If you eat something, but no one else SEES you eat it, it has no calories.
Rule 2 When drinking a diet soda while eating a candy bar, the calories in the candy bar are CANCELLED out by the diet soda.
Rule 3 When you eat with someone else, calories do not count as long as you do not eat MORE than they do.
Rule 4 Movie-related foods do not have any calories because they are part of the ENTERTAINMENT package.
Rule 5 If you fatten up everyone else around you, then you LOOK thinner. Yay!
Rule 6 Cookie pieces or crumbs contain NO calories. The process of breaking causes calorie leakage! Believe it ...
Rule 7 Late-night snacks have no calories. The fridge light is not strong enough for calories to see their way into the calorie counter. Mmmmm.
Rule 8 Foods of the same colour have the same number of calories. Like mushrooms and white chocolate.
I like this novel approach to dieting!
From the lite side of a diet fundi.
Till later xx C
Monday, March 23, 2009
FIRE !!!

Is this not HORRIFIC?!! The fire started at about 9.30 at night on a vacant lot below Rhodes Memorial. By 1am people were being evacuated from their homes, fearing for their lives and the survival of the buildings. The strong south easter wind did not help. It fanned the flames till is was licking the very top of the mountain. You can just imagine the smoke damage across the whole city!
Fortunately, no buildings were lost to the fire, but lots of questions are still unanswered. It makes me furious to see someone careless about where that burning cigarette butt lands when they flick it out the window. They may think it looks cool, but if they love smoking so much, why don't they take the remains home with them and dispose of it in a safe way. Another factor was that the landlord of the vacant private property where the fire started, had been asked to clear it. So who know who is to blame at this point...
I am thinking of all the animals that probably perished in that fire ... :( We saw lots of buck and zebra next to Rhodes Memorial and there must be tons of dassies and other little animals as well as birds. Very sad. Lost forever ...
I now want to go and walk up Table Mountain, to be close to those rocks, to feel her under my feet, to stare up at the majesty of her! Soon, one day soon.
Monday, March 16, 2009
One thing is for sure - mankind would not have progressed to the point we are now, if there was not a SHARING OF KNOWLEDGE! Modern technology has helped this along by leaps and bounds. Just think of how, by means of the Internet, you can trace an old friend who had moved continents or just to another city. Life happens and it is easy to lose track of some of your friends. Then along came "social networks" and viola! someone knows someone you know. The rest is history.
So I want to thank my friends for being so generous with their friends, sharing them with me. The world truly is a 'village'.
I am gathering information to share with you on various skin problems, especially ACNE. From babies to teenagers to adults; all suffer from various types of acne. Some remedies are natural, of course my favourite. Others I will present or refer you to are dietary suggestions or even medical treatments. I hope you find it useful, or you might pass on the info to someone you know.
I hope you have a STUNNING week! Till later xx
So I want to thank my friends for being so generous with their friends, sharing them with me. The world truly is a 'village'.
I am gathering information to share with you on various skin problems, especially ACNE. From babies to teenagers to adults; all suffer from various types of acne. Some remedies are natural, of course my favourite. Others I will present or refer you to are dietary suggestions or even medical treatments. I hope you find it useful, or you might pass on the info to someone you know.
I hope you have a STUNNING week! Till later xx
Friday, March 13, 2009

I was going to visit a friend who had not been well, and wanted to take something yummy with for tea. So out came the trusted recipe book, earmarked and blotched with splashes of milk and egg and other unknown ingredients ... there must be something special that I haven't made in ages .... something that will lift the spirits .... that will make her .... SMILE.
Then I saw it - the Queen Mothers Favourite Cake. That was it! I will take you thru the process of baking this very special cake.
Pour 1C Boiling water over 1pkt Dates (chopped). Add 1t Bicarb.
In a separate bowl, mix 1C Sugar, 1 Egg and 100gr melted Marg/Butter.
Fold in 1 and a half C Sifted Flour, 1t Baking Pwd and half t Salt.
Now add the softened Date mix and stir well.
Pour into greased square dish and bake for 35 - 40 min at 180C.
Once out the oven, spread with the following topping:
Simmer together 125ml Cream with 125ml Sugar for a few minutes.
Poke cake with knife before spreading topping so it can soak in.
Optional: Sprinkle chopped nuts over.
DELICIOUS on its own or with whipped cream. Needless to say, my friend was very impressed!!!
This is a very easy cake to make and a favourite in our home.
ENJOY !!! and try some of the other recipes on this blog.
Well, the weekend is looming and there is lots to do. So Have A Good One :)
Till later xx C
Monday, March 9, 2009
This has been a weekend of laughter. Lots of it. The kids had kids over for games, and we could hear the hoots of laughter every few minutes. Oh what fun they had...
They say LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL. Yes, it takes less muscles to smile or laugh than to frown. So take it to heart. Have a good roaring laugh at least once a day. Look at the funny side of any situation ... I promise you, there normally is a lighter side to life. You just have to find it. So HAVE FUN today. Let me know what made you laugh from the gut today! Till later then xx
They say LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL. Yes, it takes less muscles to smile or laugh than to frown. So take it to heart. Have a good roaring laugh at least once a day. Look at the funny side of any situation ... I promise you, there normally is a lighter side to life. You just have to find it. So HAVE FUN today. Let me know what made you laugh from the gut today! Till later then xx
Friday, March 6, 2009

Here we go again ... after a "little" break!
Today is Friday and normally an evening away from the cooking pots for me. Sometimes it is leftovers from the previous evening or just hot dogs. Gives me time to chill in the late afternoon, catching up with friends or visiting with family!
This evening it is leftover Sausage Pie with Peas. Let me go back to Yesterday, when I made the Sausage Pie. You can give it a bash next week ...
500gr Sausage meat, pressed into a pie plate.
Peel and boil 5 med Potatoes. Mash with butter & milk.
Beat 2 x-large Eggs and fold into mashed potatoes
Add chopped parsley & spring onions.
Flavour with black pepper, salt, cayenne pepper.
Spoon mash mixture into the meat shell. Top with grated cheddar cheese.
Bake in oven at 180degrees Celcius for about 40min, or till set and cheese is golden brown.
Slice and serve with salads and breads or rolls.
Heats up well in microwave the next day!
This is a very economical dish and a different way to eat sausages.
I hope you enjoy it. We have this dish at least once a month, and is good for summer or winter. In the winter, simply replace the salads with warm veg, like spinach, mix veg or just peas.
Here I'm sitting, watching as the sun sinks towards the horizon, and enjoying the cool air after a sweltering day.
Till later then xxx C
Monday, February 2, 2009
Time flies!!
Oh, time flies! It's been a hectic few weeks. We have been busy helping the kids paint out their new home and move in. Something very satisfying about paint. Before and after pictures prove that! Even if I must say so myself, I think it turned out pretty good ... very inviting, warm and cosy.
Moving house is always a great time to sort out all our possessions. All the things gathered and put away for another day or when we have a bit more time. Most of it unnecessary, of course. So this is the time to purge all those forgotten bits and pieces.
It is amazing to see how a new home takes on a personality, as we unpack and add our own special touch. This is what makes a house "a home".
I am looking forward to blogging more regularly now again, getting back into routine, so look out for the next post!
Till next time xx
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Now as I promised quite a few days ago, I am continuing with the theme of spices. My absolute favourite spice is CINNAMON. Yes, you will notice it in a number of my recipes! The reasons for my affinity with cinnamon, apart from the taste, is the number of health benefits connected with this spice.
Take for instance, the relation of cinnamon to the control of blood-glucose levels. This is beneficial to diabetics, because cinnamon increases the insulin sensitivity of a person. Because it has a nutrient in it that mimics human insulin, control of blood sugar is more effective. Of course this means a few teaspoons full per day. But in the long run, even the blood cholesterol level improves and there are weight control benefits too.
So ... anyone for CINNAMON ??
Here is a recipe for muffins I KNOW you will love !!

1 and half c Sunflower Oil
2 c Sugar
4 Eggs
2 c Cooked mashed Pumpkin (Butternut)
3 c Flour, sifted
1 T Cinnamon
2 t Bicarbonate of Soda
1 t Salt
2 c Dry fruit mix or just Raisins
Beat oil, sugar & eggs together till creamy.
Add pumpkin and mix well.
Add all dry ingredients and fold in.
Lastly, add raisins and fold in.
Spoon into greased muffin pan. Makes 24.
Optional: Sprinkle with sesame or even pumpkin seeds.
These muffins stay fresh for a number of days. They can even be coated with the same icing used for Carrot Cake.
Now sit back with a mug of hot coffee or a cuppa tea and enjoy!!
Till later xx
Take for instance, the relation of cinnamon to the control of blood-glucose levels. This is beneficial to diabetics, because cinnamon increases the insulin sensitivity of a person. Because it has a nutrient in it that mimics human insulin, control of blood sugar is more effective. Of course this means a few teaspoons full per day. But in the long run, even the blood cholesterol level improves and there are weight control benefits too.
So ... anyone for CINNAMON ??
Here is a recipe for muffins I KNOW you will love !!

1 and half c Sunflower Oil
2 c Sugar
4 Eggs
2 c Cooked mashed Pumpkin (Butternut)
3 c Flour, sifted
1 T Cinnamon
2 t Bicarbonate of Soda
1 t Salt
2 c Dry fruit mix or just Raisins
Beat oil, sugar & eggs together till creamy.
Add pumpkin and mix well.
Add all dry ingredients and fold in.
Lastly, add raisins and fold in.
Spoon into greased muffin pan. Makes 24.
Optional: Sprinkle with sesame or even pumpkin seeds.
These muffins stay fresh for a number of days. They can even be coated with the same icing used for Carrot Cake.
Now sit back with a mug of hot coffee or a cuppa tea and enjoy!!
Till later xx
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Every now and then it is good to stand still and "smell the roses", as the saying goes. That is a good time to reflect on what we have been doing and deciding what has worked and what not; and then to think of what changes we can make to better the situation. Not always the easiest thing to do. Sometimes we need a little motivation or some wise words. So I thought that the following bit of info might inspire you, as it does me.
Sow a thought - Reap an action
Sow an action - it becomes a habit
Sow a habit - Reap a character
Sow a character - Reap a destiny
DESTINY is dependant on WHO YOU ARE
Thoughts are powerful, so be positive, spread kindness, and may you feel the LOVE come back to you!
Have a happy day .. Till later xx
Sow a thought - Reap an action
Sow an action - it becomes a habit
Sow a habit - Reap a character
Sow a character - Reap a destiny
DESTINY is dependant on WHO YOU ARE
Thoughts are powerful, so be positive, spread kindness, and may you feel the LOVE come back to you!
Have a happy day .. Till later xx
Friday, January 9, 2009

Here we go again. I have been making the following dish for many years and it is a family favourite. I have decided to share it with the world as it is a great vegetarian meal as well as economical. You can make just enough for 4 people or a great big pot full, like I have had to; with so big a family.
This recipe comes from my mom-in-law and is not so much a written recipe as a passed-on, learn-while-you-watch one. It can be varied according to taste. It keeps well, tastes even better the next day. In short, it is ... COMFORT FOOD. You just have to try it. I am sure you will LOVE it!
POTATO CURRY (for 4 people)
8 Potatoes, peeled & chopped into blocks
1 Onion, peeled and sliced
2T Oil for frying
4 Eggs, Hard boiled
1t Curry powder
1/4t Turmeric
Salt & Pepper to taste
Boil potatoes in more than usual water, so that there is still water left after cooked.
Fry onions slightly, add curry and turmeric. Leave on stove for another 2 min or so.
Peel boiled eggs and quarter.
When potatoes are just cooked through but not dry, add curry mix and eggs. Stir through and simmer for another 10min. Season to taste.
There must be a fair amount of liquid left in pot. Mash a few of the potato pieces to thicken the mix.
Serve with chunks of bread.
Yum! This is food to grow kids up on!
Give it a try and let me know what you think. Leave a comment. Till later then xx.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
This is so cool! You can add spice to your life and improve your health at the same time! These are some of the fact that I have found out about spices:
Cinnamon – reduces blood pressure, stimulates circulation. Also used as a remedy for digestive problems. It accelerates digestion of fats, and protein by means of the enzyme, trypsin. Possesses antiviral properties.
Next, Nutmeg - Used in treatment for intestinal problems, specially diarrhea.
Now, Cumin – invigorates the digestive system, alleviates bloating and flatulence. Also used along with coriander & fennel in a tea to clear up acne.
Last for today, Turmeric - It has anti-inflammatory properties as well as being a natural antibiotic. Free radical scavenger, so powerful anti-cancer property. Acts as an anti cholesterol and improves intestinal flora.
Spices have been used for centuries in ancient cultures in treatments. Today they are available to everyone, easy to obtain and o, so tasty in our foods. More about herbs next time.... Till later xx
Cinnamon – reduces blood pressure, stimulates circulation. Also used as a remedy for digestive problems. It accelerates digestion of fats, and protein by means of the enzyme, trypsin. Possesses antiviral properties.
Next, Nutmeg - Used in treatment for intestinal problems, specially diarrhea.
Now, Cumin – invigorates the digestive system, alleviates bloating and flatulence. Also used along with coriander & fennel in a tea to clear up acne.
Last for today, Turmeric - It has anti-inflammatory properties as well as being a natural antibiotic. Free radical scavenger, so powerful anti-cancer property. Acts as an anti cholesterol and improves intestinal flora.
Spices have been used for centuries in ancient cultures in treatments. Today they are available to everyone, easy to obtain and o, so tasty in our foods. More about herbs next time.... Till later xx
Thursday, January 1, 2009

So, further on this Organic article; I am busy researching information about herbs and spices. Can we use those natural products to keep us healthy, even improving some ailments we may already have?
For instance, I know that Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties. And Cinnamon boosts the immunity. So look out for the full article and the list of which herbs and spices YOU need to keep healthy. Till later xx
Hey, I found a great article I wanted to share with all. I LOVE organic, natural, eco-friendly, earthy stuff ... this article has some great facts. Hope you enjoy reading it:)
By Trevor Dalley
Some fat in the diet is needed to provide the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, and to make food palatable
However, the total amount in our diet coming from a variety of foods has risen to a high level-about 40 per cent of our calories consumed. Most of these fats are hard, saturated animal fats, the type of fat linked to the development of coronary heart disease.
Animal fats are always highly saturated and some vegetable fats may be saturated, e.g. hard margarine. Doctors believe that people who eat high saturated fat diets increase their risk of developing life-threatening cholesterol deposits in the lining of their arteries.
Recently, evidence has accumulated to show that habitual, high fat diets may also contribute to the formation of certain cancers. We are recommended to halve our saturated fat intakes, and cut our total fat by a third over the next 15 years.
To cut down on your fat intake, you must be aware of not only the visible forms of fat, but also fat hidden in foods. Visible fat is the fat you can see marbling and surrounding meat, or as butter, margarine, shortening or oil.
Invisible fat is hidden, but very much present in milk and cheese, baked goods such as pastry or cakes, and meat products such as sausages and pies.
Reduce total fat by;
Choosing lean meat, fish and poultry; limiting meat products such as sausages to occasional meals only.
Choosing skimmed, semi-skimmed or fat reduced milk, yoghurt and cheese.
Add fat during cooking only where necessary. Grill, braise, roast or casserole rather than fry. Drain any fat that collects during cooking.
Choose fresh fruit for puddings rather than baked desserts such as flans or cakes (you will also reduce your sugar by doing this!) use less fat in cooking and at the table.
Here is a great cholesterol busting vegetable, (if cooked properly).
Cooking Asparagus.
A well-known and successful exhibitor of fine vegetables who lives near our farm in Herefordshire, mentioned to me the other day that Asparagus was rarely properly cooked when sent to the table at home and in restaurants, because of the practice of submerging the whole of the stems in water, thus treating green tops and blanched bases alike.
The proper way is to cook it erect, covering the blanched stem with water, and leaving the green tender tips to be cooked by the steam. In that way it was found that the entire stem was completely done at the same time.
How commonly it is the case that, whilst the tops are boiled to death, the bases of the stems are hard and woody. It seems to be all a question of cooking.
Here is a wholesome Potato Recipe.
First bake a large baking potato, remove the insides, and rub through a wire sieve. Mix in beaten yolks of three eggs, a few drops of lemon -juice, pinch of salt and pepper; last thing, stir in lightly the whipped whites of eggs. Heat one-and-a-half ounces of soft butter or half margarine in your omelet pan Fry gently till the bottom is a pale brown, then place under a grill and brown the tops very quickly. Turn on to grease proof paper, sprinkle with chopped parsley, turn over half, and serve very hot.
Trevor Dalley has been growing and preserving his own fruit for 40 year, most of the preserves are sold in his Organic Farm Shops in Herefordshire England. Did you find those tips on Organic Food a way of Life useful?
By Trevor Dalley
Some fat in the diet is needed to provide the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, and to make food palatable
However, the total amount in our diet coming from a variety of foods has risen to a high level-about 40 per cent of our calories consumed. Most of these fats are hard, saturated animal fats, the type of fat linked to the development of coronary heart disease.
Animal fats are always highly saturated and some vegetable fats may be saturated, e.g. hard margarine. Doctors believe that people who eat high saturated fat diets increase their risk of developing life-threatening cholesterol deposits in the lining of their arteries.
Recently, evidence has accumulated to show that habitual, high fat diets may also contribute to the formation of certain cancers. We are recommended to halve our saturated fat intakes, and cut our total fat by a third over the next 15 years.
To cut down on your fat intake, you must be aware of not only the visible forms of fat, but also fat hidden in foods. Visible fat is the fat you can see marbling and surrounding meat, or as butter, margarine, shortening or oil.
Invisible fat is hidden, but very much present in milk and cheese, baked goods such as pastry or cakes, and meat products such as sausages and pies.
Reduce total fat by;
Choosing lean meat, fish and poultry; limiting meat products such as sausages to occasional meals only.
Choosing skimmed, semi-skimmed or fat reduced milk, yoghurt and cheese.
Add fat during cooking only where necessary. Grill, braise, roast or casserole rather than fry. Drain any fat that collects during cooking.
Choose fresh fruit for puddings rather than baked desserts such as flans or cakes (you will also reduce your sugar by doing this!) use less fat in cooking and at the table.
Here is a great cholesterol busting vegetable, (if cooked properly).
Cooking Asparagus.
A well-known and successful exhibitor of fine vegetables who lives near our farm in Herefordshire, mentioned to me the other day that Asparagus was rarely properly cooked when sent to the table at home and in restaurants, because of the practice of submerging the whole of the stems in water, thus treating green tops and blanched bases alike.
The proper way is to cook it erect, covering the blanched stem with water, and leaving the green tender tips to be cooked by the steam. In that way it was found that the entire stem was completely done at the same time.
How commonly it is the case that, whilst the tops are boiled to death, the bases of the stems are hard and woody. It seems to be all a question of cooking.
Here is a wholesome Potato Recipe.
First bake a large baking potato, remove the insides, and rub through a wire sieve. Mix in beaten yolks of three eggs, a few drops of lemon -juice, pinch of salt and pepper; last thing, stir in lightly the whipped whites of eggs. Heat one-and-a-half ounces of soft butter or half margarine in your omelet pan Fry gently till the bottom is a pale brown, then place under a grill and brown the tops very quickly. Turn on to grease proof paper, sprinkle with chopped parsley, turn over half, and serve very hot.
Trevor Dalley has been growing and preserving his own fruit for 40 year, most of the preserves are sold in his Organic Farm Shops in Herefordshire England. Did you find those tips on Organic Food a way of Life useful?
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